
School Parent Compact

Parent Family Engagement Policy

FitzPatrick Parent Volunteer Organization

  • The FitzPVO is a member of the School District of Phila. Home & School Association. We proudly serve the students, parents, and faculty of Aloysius L FitzPatrick Elementary School.
  • Our role as a group of parent volunteers is to provide an “INFORMATION/COMMUNICATION LINK” between the parents and the school. we coordinate student events, organize fundraisers and help out around the school as needed
  • We meet at the beginning of each month during school hours. All of our efforts directly benefit our students and the school community.
  • You may address any questions or concerns to any of the Fitzpatrick Parent Volunteer Officers.
  • Please visit the School District of Philadelphia volunteer site to learn how to become a parent volunteer. This page includes links to important safety clearances that must be obtained.


Permission Forms
